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Are you open to relocation?
Yes, I am open to relocation for the right Opportunity.
Yes, I am open to relocation in my State only.
No, I am not open to relocation.
Location Criteria
Are you currently authorized to work in the USA without the need for visa sponsorship now or in the future?
Yes - I am authorized to work in the USA without the need for a visa sponsorship now or in the future.
No - I am not authorized to work in the USA.
Current Pay
Bonus (amount $ or % eligible)
At what salary range do you wish to be contacted: $
Diversity Status: (Voluntary information) i.e. African American, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian, Pacific Islander, Alaskan Native):
If you provide references to us now or in the future, do we have your approval to conduct the reference? ______(Yes/No)
Please list companies that are currently considering your candidacy:
Could you be available to do a virtual interview via a video conference?
(Example: Zoom / Facetime / Google Meets / Webex, etc?)
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